How the art of writing can improve our civil discourse

I have long held the position that the reason for the erosion of values in almost every aspect of our society is our inability to discuss, disagree, debate, defend and defy. As part of the Yale/Faas Foundation initiative called ‘Emotion Revolution in the Workplace’, we are advancing the ‘5 D’s of Engagement’. 

What I am finding is that emotionally intelligent leaders promote and encourage the application of the 5 D’s, and by doing so they enjoy relationships with their subordinates that is based on mutual trust and respect.  

I am also finding that unemotionally intelligent leaders practice what we call the ‘5 D’s of Exclusion’ (Deflect/Deceive/Discredit/ Distort/Deny) which we can assert is the reason for the erosion of trust and respect which is dominant in every sector of our society. 

This opinion piece from the New York Times is a call for people to reduce their dependence on the technologies that have become a substitute for dialogue through mastering the art of writing.